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Ecstatic Elders 

Audacious Aging!


At almost 78 I have never been happier, reaping the harvest of a long lifetime of spiritual exploration and discovery. Much of my joy comes from daily practices and meditations, which open me to a radiant source of energy and joy.

It is my deepest heart’s desire to share these precious pathways to ecstasy with you.


For the past decade I have been teaching many classes, workshops and tele-seminars, mentoring and leading guided journeys that help people to live as their Higher Self or Essence and become a “Source of the Love They Seek”. (See About Patricia)


This September I with Toby Needleman, will be offering a 12 week tele-seminar, Ecstatic Elders/Audacious Aging, in which I will present practices, teachings and deep meditative journeys that will help you, as a mature woman, to experience your later years as among the best of your life.


I’m delighted to be joined by Toby, who is writing a book on “Audacious Aging” and is a distinguished Positive Psychology therapist and transformation life coach. Toby will offer tried and true research-based strategies and practices that will help you discover and create a blueprint of the life you would love living …. a life filled with purpose, passion, vitality, ease and joy.


Some of the life enhancing topics we explore will be:


  •  Embodying Love

  •  Envisioning Your Miraculous Life

  •  Breathing into Bliss

  •  Discovering your Fountain of Youth

  •  Leveraging the Power of the Universe


We hope you will join us for a joyful, fun-filled, and content–rich experience to inspire and empower you to live your best life yet!

If you want to know more, please add your name and email address to the Ecstatic Elders/Audacious Aging announcement list.





























The Most Dangerous Man in America | Interview with Daniel & Patricia Ellsberg | PBS














On The Red Carpet |The Most Dangerous Man in America | Daniel & Patricia Ellsberg | Academy Awards
















The Most Dangerous Man in America - Trailer














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